Calvert County Democratic Women's Club


  • 02/18/2021 10:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In case you were unaware (as I was), current Maryland law has a spousal defense for sexual assault. Luckily, the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) has been active in getting this section of the law repealed. SB250 will do just that. When you read the text of the bill: the part of Maryland law to be repealed is the text encased in [ ].

    The bill has passed the Maryland House and is currently in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, of which Senator Michael Jackson is a member. His is a pivotal vote on this bill. Thankfully, Sen. Jackson supports this bill without watering it down.

    Please express thanks to Senator Jackson for his support of this important bill. Here is suggested text for an email, but feel free to express your thoughts in your own words:

    Dear Sen. Jackson,

    I am writing to thank you for your full support for SB 250, which repeals the spousal defense to charges of sexual assault.  This is an important bill for all married women in Maryland.  It confirms that Maryland law no longer views us as our husbands’ property, and it ensures that all men can be held accountable for sexual assault regardless of their relationship with the victim.  We thank you for your support of the bill as written and for standing for the principle that “Love is no Defense to a Sexual Crime.”

    For more on this and other issues, visit the MCASA web site.

  • 02/18/2021 9:44 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The CCDCC (Central Committee) previously had a vacancy for one gender-balanced (male) slot. Before that slot could be filled, a female member resigned, which has changed the dynamics of voting. There are now two Central Committee slots to be filled.

    Interested parties are encouraged to apply for these volunteer positions.

    Read the details here on the Calvert Democrats' web site.

  • 02/18/2021 8:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Yesterday, Governor Larry Hogan announced his choice of Rachel Jones for Delegate to Maryland District 27B. Ms. Jones was the candidate recommended by the Calvert County Democratic Central Committee, but she will be working hard for residents of Prince George's County as well. She is filling the vacancy that opened up when our previous Delegate, Michael Jackson, was chosen to fill Mike Miller's vacated seat on the Maryland State Senate.

    Ms. Jones previously worked as Southern Maryland Field Representative for U.S. Senator Ben Cardin. Here is his press release announcing her appointment.

    The CCDWC is excited to work with Ms. Jones to help make Maryland an even better place for all of us.

  • 02/12/2021 10:20 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A message From CCDWC President Cindy Yoe:

    Three days ago, the Senate voted to override the Governor’s Veto of the Gender-Responsive Prerelease Act.  Yesterday, the House of Delegates did the same.  Maryland will now be required to provide equitable prerelease facilities and services to its returning women.  

    Thank you so much for allowing our group to offer testimony and support for this law and for keeping up the pressure on your lawmakers to override Hogan's veto.  From what I understand, just prior to the Senate vote, the Senate President had a meeting with the Chiefs of Staffs and asked what they were hearing about from constituents.  Many of them indicated that they were hearing a lot on the veto override.  Proof positive that all our work paid off.  Thank you so much.

    We are at the end of the road on this work.  But there is more work to do.  Stay tuned.


  • 02/08/2021 3:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This post is adapted from an email from Margaret Dunkle, Chair of the Harriet Elizabeth Brown Commemoration Task Force. (It's edited for clarity in adapting to a news post.)

    Per Ms. Dunkle, citizen support is needed to build a permanent Harriet Elizabeth Brown Community Center and Park in Prince Frederick, just across the road from Calvert High School, to replace the current inadequate interim HEB Community Center in the old SMECO Building.

    Both adults and children are asked to weigh in on the survey portion of this.

    Here is a short description of the need for this new Community Center and Park and what it will mean for our County (PDF document).

    Per Ms. Dunkle,

    "Building a permanent HEB CC&P will mark completion of all recommendations of the legislatively created Harriet Elizabeth Brown Commemoration Task Force.  In 1937, represented by then-29-year-old NAACP attorney Thurgood Marshall, Ms. Brown successfully challenged unequal pay for African-American teachers in Calvert County.*  

    Please help by doing three things:

    First, complete the County Survey to add your two cents about what’s important for this new Community Center and Park – from meeting rooms and outdoor facilities to including a small museum to honor Ms. Brown.  Just go to this website before April 30 and complete the Adult or Youth survey:  

    Second, add your name – and your organization’s name, as appropriate – to the list of Supporters on page 3 of the attached.  All you need to do is email, saying “Please add ___________ as a HEB CC&P Supporter!”

    Third, share this information with friends, family and neighbors – and urge them to complete the Survey and to add their names as Supporters."

    [Here is the link to this news item on the CCDWC web site: ]

    "We need your help to keep progress on track, with planning starting this July and construction beginning in July of 2023.  Please take a couple minutes to make your voice heard, add your name as a Supporter, and spread the word."

    With thanks and all best wishes,

    Margaret Dunkle

    Chair, Harriet Elizabeth Brown Commemoration Task Force

    *See the HEB Task Force report at

    Thank you to Ms. Dunkle for sharing this information with us.

  • 02/08/2021 3:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The CCDWC financial books need to be audited for the years 2019-2020 (the previous 2 year administration). The club is seeking member volunteers to serve on the Audit Committee and carry out this task. Financial or bookkeeping experience is helpful but not an absolute necessity (as our books are not complicated).

    The task would involve matching transactions on the Treasurer's Reports with bank statements, cancelled checks, invoices, and the like. Ideally we would like to have 2 to 3 people work on this task.

    Please contact club Treasurer Fran Inacio or President Cindy Yoe if you would like to help!

  • 02/08/2021 3:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Rachel Jones, the Calvert County Democratic Central Committee's selection to be forwarded to Governor Hogan to be appointed to the vacant 27B legislative seat. 

    Read more on the Calvert Democrats web site 

  • 02/02/2021 8:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This was shared from our friends at National Organization for Women (NOW). They are trying to get more signatures on their ERA petition, which will be shared with President Biden and Vice President Harris.

    Here's the link to sign the petition:

    Here are some links to other actions you can take:

    Twitter - @NOW28th

  • 01/31/2021 11:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The following is from Beth Tomasello of Montgomery County Democratic Women's Club:

    Dear Friends of Women’s Prerelease,

    I am writing to provide and update on the scheduling for the floor votes on the Gender-Responsive Prerelease Act override.  The Senate floor vote is currently scheduled for February 8, and the House vote is scheduled for February 9.  The floor votes were delayed because of Mike Miller’s memorial service last week.  The good news is that gives us more time to pressure our lawmakers. Please continue to have your members call or email legislative delegations and urge them to override the Governor’s veto of HB801/SB684, the Gender-Responsive Prerelease Act.  Please call or email Democrats and Republicans alike.  If the overrides are passed on a bipartisan basis, that would be ideal. 

    Please continue to voice your view that the lack of a prerelease center is sex discrimination that must be remedied regardless of cost.  This unequal treatment of incarcerated women cannot continue, and failure to override the veto would leave the affected women little recourse but to bring a lawsuit against the state.  Stress that you would rather see the state spend the money to provide the prerelease center for women than to defend an indefensible lawsuit.  For those of you who read Maryland Matters, Deb Gardner, the Legal Director for the Public Justice Center, has written a Guest Commentary on the override that should be published soon.  The Guest Commentary lays out the constitutional issues, and you may want to link to it in your emails to your legislators.

    Thank you all again so much for your support of this legislation last session and your support of the veto override.   I have spoken to many lawmakers about this override, and all have noted the broad support behind this bill.  They are talking about you, and I am so grateful for your great advocacy.  It’s working.





    Beth Tomasello

    Criminal Justice Reform & Public Safety Advocacy Captain

    Montgomery County Women’s Democratic Club

  • 01/21/2021 10:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    From the League of Women Voters, shared by Concerned Black Women of Calvert County:

    Dear Members and Outreach Partners,

    We have had numerous responses to our independent survey concerning the Prince Frederick Town Center Master Plan - Phase I but encourage those who have not responded to considering be a part of the feedback on this important LWVCC study.

    We thank you for taking the time to complete the survey by January 31.  The membership and our partners will be notified of the results after its conclusion.

    Thank you,

    Prince Frederick Town Center Master Plan Study Group

    If you haven’t already done so, complete the requested survey concerning the Prince Frederick Town Center Master Plan no later than January 31st.  Thank you!

Copyright 2019-23 Calvert County Democratic Women's Club, P.O. Box 2063, Prince Frederick, MD 20678.
Calvert County Democratic Women's Club (CCDWC) is a non-profit organization.

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